Multi-Mission Controller (MMC)
A UX-Based Designed Controller for Mission Efficiency

GA-ASI's Multi-Mission Controller (MMC) enables a single user to safely control multiple aircraft and their missions simultaneously by leveraging a combination of automation and user experience-based design. From MMC, users transit their aircraft and execute routine Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions.
The interface is very simple and takes cues from today's video games where users control multiple vehicles and entities at the same time. When an aircraft is tasked to perform a dynamic ISR or a strike mission, MMC allows for the rapid handoff of the aircraft to a Block 30 or CGCS. A Block 30/50 crew can then take control of the aircraft to carry out the mission(s). When the complex mission is complete, the GCS crew easily hands control back to MMC. These hand-offs allow for a safe and controlled mission.